A review committee consisting of or appointed by the Leadership Team will approve participation in events.
Ability to perform 5 different twirls using both hands and 2 different tosses.
Ability to learn and perform routines.
Be experienced in, or have the ability to learn, how to: march, count beats, understand signals,
guide right, halt, etc. - previous marching band experience is a plus.
Attend and participate in practices as much as possible.
Participate in parades and field shows.
Have the fitness level to actively participate in parades up to 3 miles long.
Be responsible for learning routines for each event or performance.
Be willing to attend special teaching practices to aid in learning the routines.
Be willing to work at home on learning the routines from our video library.
Have the ability to purchase costume material, accessories etc.
Roughly $200-$600 over time.
Travel expenses for longer trips.
Conform to our twirling and marching style.
Follow The Beat Goes On Marching Band Code of Conduct.